What is your name? - Michaelina :)

How old are you? - 19!

Whats your birthday? - 10/11/04

Star sign? - Libra (The BEST sign!)

Orientation? - Everyone! I dont really have a label (but I usually say Bisexual)

Gender? - Cis female!

Pronouns? - she/her

Are you dating anyone? - yes! my amazing boyfriend! ;3

What country do you live in? - USA

Favorite color? - yellow! (even tho my whole website is pink lol)

Favorite season(s)? - autumn and winter!

Have any tattoos/piercings? - I have my ears and my septum done! no tattoos yet ;P

Ever been to another country? Do you want to? - not yet (Im petrified of flying) ..buuut I wanna live in Italy someday!

College Major? - idk yet.. Either fashion major and programming minor, or visa versa..

Favorite beverage? - Diet Dr. Pepper!

Favorite food? - whatever my mom makes! (or kimchi lol)

Favorite book? - Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak!

Favorite movie? - Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Pretty in Pink

Favorite Show? - Trailer Park Boys or Seinfeld or Daria

Favorite genre of music? - So many! but my favorites are 70s folk, 90s grunge, and 80s new wave!